Saturday, November 7, 2009


Have you ever wondered how those people in your bowling league are consistently bowling over 200's? Next time you bowl, look and see how they throw the ball. I can almost guarantee that they bowl with a hook. This is what separates average bowlers from the great bowlers.

When you throw a straight ball, you are leaving the pin action to chance. When the bowling ball strikes the pins on a straight line, it is at the mercy of the pins. Believe it or not, the pins can and WILL change the trajectory of your bowling ball. And herein lies the reason you need to learn how to bowl with a hook.

Now think about this for a moment. When a bowling ball has a hook on it, the ball is hooking INTO the pocket making it hard for the pins to change the trajectory of the ball. Chances are that ball is going to plow through the center of rack causing more movement of the pins. This results in more opportunities for strikes! And what will that do for you?

A higher score!

I have been bowling for many years yet I have not been bowling with a hook for that long. I just learned about 5 years ago and I'm sure glad that I did! Within two weeks of learning how to bowl with a hook did my average climb an additional 15 pins. I now carry an average of 213 along with two perfect games under my belt. I am not bragging rather trying to explain to you just how important it is to learn to bowl a hook. It can literally raise your game to a whole other level!

The good news for you is that it isn't as hard as you may think!

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